ISO 4010 pdf download.Diesel engines — Calibrating nozzle, delay pintle type
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a nozzle intended for the testing and setting of injection pumps on injection pump test benches. It specifies the dimensions and test methods for determining the clearance at the “pintle” of the needle (method 1 ) and the clearance at the needle guide (method 2). The exact limit of the application of the calibrating nozzle depends upon the test values specified for the injection pump. The applicability is to be verified in each case by the pump manufacturer and stated on the pump test specification for each pump type. The typical range is up to 1 50 mm 3 /stroke.
2 Normative reference
The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 2697:— 1 ) , Road vehicles — Fuel nozzles — Size “S”.
3 Designation and marking
The nozzle designation shall be marked on that part of the shank which protrudes beyond its cap nut. This designation is the number of this International Standard; i.e. ISO 401 0.
4 Dimensions and tolerances
Dimensions and tolerances are given in figure 1 . All other dimensions of the nozzle, except the clearance at the needle guide, shall be as specified in ISO 2697 for type B. However, the two dowel holes are dropped. The clearance of the needle in its guide shall be determined by the method given in 5.3.
5 Test methods
5.1 General All measurements of the following two test methods shall be performed on clean, dry nozzles. For the flow measurements, calibrated measuring devices with a measuring precision of ± 0,5 % of the value indicated shall be used. 5.2 Test method 1: Clearance at the “pintle” Method 1 measures the clearance between the needle protrusion (pintle) and the nozzle hole in the nozzle body by air flow. 5.2.1 Flow characteristics for air When measuring with the measuring installation given in figure 3, the calibrating nozzle shall achieve the control values given in table 1 .
5.2.2 Measuring conditions The flow indicated by the measuring device is proportional to the effective cross-section of the nozzle, if sound velocity is reached in the effective cross-section and at the outlet of the nozzle. In order to ensure that this always happens in practice, a pressure (p e ) of at least 0,6 bar 2) below the ambient pressure (p a ), shall always be available at the nozzle outlet when measuring. At the needle lifts of 0,1 mm and 0,35 mm the pressure at the nozzle outlet shall be at least 0,8 bar 2) below the ambient pressure.The value indicated by the flowmeter depends upon the ambient conditions at the measuring site during the measurement (pressure, air temperature). To obtain comparable results, the reading of the flowmeter shall be corrected to the calibrating conditions of the flowmeter manufacturer. This corrected value shall, in addition, be corrected to the conditions of this International Standard upon which the diagram in figure 2 is based (pressure: 0,98 bar 2) ; temperature: + 20 °C) according to the laws of thermodynamics.5.3 Test method 2: Clearance at the needle guide Method 2 determines the clearance of the needle within the nozzle body by the N 2 gas-flow method. The schematic diagram of the measuring installation and the measuring conditions are shown in figure 4. The conditions for N 2 gas flow are the following:  pressure p: 20 bar ± 0,1 bar 2) ;  temperature t: + 20 °C at nozzle entrance. The gas flow of new nozzles, as well as of used ones, shall be between 50 ml/min and 1 00 ml/min. NOTE It is recommended to repeat the measuring procedure for the clearance twice after, in each case, turning the needle within the nozzle body at about 1 20°. All readings should be within the stated tolerance.