ISO 15538 pdf download.Protective clothing for firefighters — Laboratory test methods and performance requirements for protective clothing with a reflective outer surface
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies test methods and minimum performance requirements for protective clothing that relies upon the ability of the outer material to reflect intense radiant heat. The clothing covered by this International Standard is intended to provide protection against flame lick and intense radiant heat and it should be worn for short periods only. Subject to a risk assessment, this type of clothing may also be used for certain industrial and other applications. Subject to a risk assessment, other types of protective clothing, for example clothing complying with the requirements of ISO 1 1 61 3, may be used for the types of firefighting and industrial applications envisaged by this International Standard in conjunction with appropriate protection for the head, face, hands and feet as well as suitable respiratory protection. This International Standard does not consider requirements for the protection of the head (including the face), hands and feet other than those specified in 4.2 and 4.3. Any other requirements specific to the protection of head (including the face), hands and feet required by the user should be determined by a risk assessment and specified.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 81 1 , Textile fabrics — Determination ofresistance to waterpenetration — Hydrostatic pressure test ISO 1 421 , Rubber- orplastics-coatedfabrics — Determination oftensile strength andelongation at break ISO 31 75-1 , Textiles — Dry cleaning and finishing — Part1: Method for assessing the cleanability of textiles and garments ISO 4674:1 977, Fabrics coatedwith rubberorplastics — Determination oftearresistance ISO 4920, Textiles — Determination ofresistance to surface wetting (spraytest) offabrics ISO 5077, Textiles — Determination ofdimensionalchange in washing anddrying ISO 6330:2000, Textiles — Domestic washing anddrying procedures fortextile testing
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 garment single item of clothing which may consist of single or multiple layers 3.2 clothing ensemble combination of two or more garments that collectively provide protection of the body 3.3 clothing assembly series of outer and under garments to be worn together 3.4 component assembly combination of all materials of a multi-layer garment presented exactly as the finished garment construction 3.5 closure system method of fastening openings in the garment including combinations of more than one method for achieving a secure closure, e.g. a slide fastener covered by an overflap fastened down with a touch-and-close fastener NOTE This term does not cover seams. 3.6 seam any method of permanent fastening between two or more pieces of material 3.7 main seam seam that is necessary for the integrity of the garment 3.8 hardware non-fabric items used in protective clothing including those made of plastic or metal, e.g. fasteners, rank markings, buttons
4 General clothing design
4.1 Garments 4.1.1 General Firefighters’ protective clothing covered by this International Standard may provide protection for the firefighters’ full body including head, hands, and feet depending of the risk assessment. It shall consist of a) a single garment, or b) a clothing ensemble, or c) a clothing assembly. Where clothing assemblies are used to achieve the specified performance levels of this International Standard, the various garments shall be clearly labelled that they are always to be used in combination (see clause 9). The reflective surface of each outer garment shall not be covered in any way except where a screen is attached, if fitted. 4.1.2 Hardware Hardware penetrating the outer material shall not be exposed on the innermost surface of the component assembly. 4.1.3 Pockets If external pockets are required they shall be constructed entirely from the outer material, and secured by flaps which shall be 2,5 cm wider on each side than the pocket. External pockets shall have a means for water drainage to the outside of the garment only.