ISO 14982 pdf download.Agricultural and forestry machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility — Test methods and acceptance criteria
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies test methods and acceptance criteria for evaluating the electromagnetic compatibility of tractors and all kinds of mobile (including hand-held) agricultural machinery, forestry machinery, landscaping and gardening machinery [referred to hereafter as machine(s)] as supplied by the machine manufacturer. It is applicable to machines and electrical/electronic sub-assemblies (ESA’s) which are manufactured after the date of publication of this International Standard. Electrical/electronic components or sub-assemblies intended for fitting in machines are also within the scope of this standard, except regarding immunity for those parts whose functions are not involved in the direct control and modification of the state of the functions of the machine. This International Standard is not applicable to machines directly supplied with low voltage current from public electrical mains. Exceptions to machines or electrical/electronic systems or ESA’s that may not require testing in accordance with this International Standard are given in clause 7.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 7637-0:1 990, Road vehicles — Electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling — Part 0: Definitions and general.ISO 7637-1 :1 990, Road vehicles — Electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling — Part 1 : Passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with nominal 1 2 V supply voltage — Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only. ISO 7637-2:1 990, Road vehicles — Electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling — Part 2: Commercial vehicles with nominal 24 V supply voltage — Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only. ISO/TR 1 0605:1 994, Road vehicles — Electrical disturbance from electrostatic discharge. ISO 1 1 451 -1 :1 995, Road vehicles — Electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy — Vehicle test methods — Part 1 : General and definitions. ISO 1 1 451 -2:1 995, Road vehicles — Electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy — Vehicle test methods — Part 2: Off-vehicle radiation source. ISO 1 1 452-1 :1 995, Road vehicles — Electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy — Component test methods — Part 1 : General and definitions. ISO 1 1 452-2:1 995, Road vehicles — Electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy — Component test methods — Part 2: Absorber-lined chamber.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 electromagnetic compatibility ability of a machine or components or a separate technical unit to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment, without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment [IEC 50-1 61 :1 990, 1 61 -01 -07] 3.2 electromagnetic disturbance any electromagnetic phenomenon which may degrade the performance of a machine or component or separate technical unit NOTE — An electromagnetic disturbance may be an electromagnetic noise, an unwanted signal or a change in the propagation medium itself [IEC 50-1 61 :1 990, 1 61 -01 -05] 3.3 electromagnetic immunity ability of a machine or component or separate technical unit to perform in the presence of specified electromagnetic disturbances without degradation of performance [IEC 50-1 61 :1 990, 1 61 -01 -20] 3.4 electromagnetic environment totality of electromagnetic phenomena existing at a given location [IEC 50-1 61 :1 990, 1 61 -01 -01 ] 3.5 reference limit limit value with which the production shall conform 3.6 reference antenna 〈frequency range 30 MHz to 80 MHz〉 shortened balanced dipole which is a half-wave resonant dipole at 80 MHz frequency [see CISPR 1 6-1 :1 993]3.7 reference antenna 〈frequency range above 80 MHz〉 balanced half wave resonant dipole tuned to the measurement frequency [see CISPR 1 6-1 :1 993] 3.8 broadband emission emission which has a bandwidth greater than that of a particular measuring apparatus or receiver [IEC 50-1 61 :1 990, 1 61 -06-1 1 ] 3.9 narrowband emission emission which has a bandwidth less than that of a particular measuring apparatus or receiver [IEC 50-1 61 :1 990, 1 61 -06-1 3] 3.10 electrical/electronic system electrical and/or electronic component or set of components intended to be part of a machine, together with any associated electrical connections 3.11 electrical/electronic sub-assembly ESA electrical and/or electronic component or set of components intended to be part of a machine, together with any associated electrical connections and wiring, which performs one or more specialised functions