ISO 14976 pdf download.Surface chemical analysis – Data transfer format
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a Format to transfer data from computer to computer via parallel inierfaces or via serial interfaces over direct wirc, telephone line, local area network or other communications link. The transferred daia is encoded only in those characters that appear on a normal display or printer. The format is suitable for AES, EDX, FABMS, ISS, SIMS, SNMS, UPS, XPS, XRF and similar analytical mehods. it covers spectra, elemental maps, deplh profiles and sequences of data resulting from a variety of experiments.
2 Description of the format
2.1 General The design of this Format is presented in Annex A. The Format is described using components of the metalanguage defined in Lhe British Standard – Method of defining syntactic metalanguage, BS 61 54:1 981 (’), the appropriale elements of which are given in 2.2 and 2.3. In this Format some parameters are relevant only to particular cases of the three items; experiment mode, scan mode or technique, and provision is made for including these parameters only where they are relevant. This conditional inclusion could be expressed in the metalanguage, but only at the expense of a more complicated structure than a simple list To keep the structure simple these parameters are expressed as optional-sequences, and have the conditions under which each of these optional-sequences is to be included specified in an accompanying bracketcd-Extual-comment.
2.2 The Components of the metalanguage
The rnetaianguage comprises a notation for specifying a set of rules for generating a linear sequence of characters. Only characters generated by the rules are to be inserted in the sequence. The sequence may be considered as being a sequence of subsequences. A subsequence may be represented in the notation by enclosing the given characters within either a pair of APOSTROPHE or a pair of QUOTATION MARK characters. The sub-sequence together with these enclosing characters is called a terminal-string. A terminal-string is one exampIe of a syntactic-primary. A syntactic-primary may be preceded by an integer followed by an ASTERISK to represent a specific number of successive occurrences of the same syntactic-primary. A syntactic-primary, together with a preceding integer and ASTERISK, if present, is called a synlactic-factor. A syntactic-factor may be followed by a MINUS SIGN followed by another syntactic-factor. This sub-sequence is called a syntactic term. A number of syntactic-terns may be given in succession but separated by COMMA characters to represent a sub-sequence generated by applying each of the syntactic-terns in turn. A single syntactic-term or group of syntactic-terms separated by COMMA characters is called a single-definition. A number of single-definitions may be given in succession but separated by VERTICAL LINE characters to represent the generation of a subsequence by one and only one of the single-definitions, that is, to represent a list of alternative single-definitions. A single-definition or group of single-definitions separated by VERTICAL LINE characters is cailed a definitions-list. What is represented by the MINUS SIGN followed by a second syntactic-factor when present in a syntactic-term may now be explained. It is to except from generation by the syntactic-term any sub-sequence that could be generated by the second syntactic-factor. The second syntactic-factor is called a syntactic-exceprion.A unique name may be assigned to a particular definitions-list. The name may consist of one or more characters. The first character must be a letter. Any subsequent character may be a letter or a digit. Spaces and new lines included in the name are not significant. The name is called a meta-identifer. A meta-identifier is assigned to a definitions-list by giving the memidenufier followed by an EQUALS SIGN followed by the definitions-list followed by a SEMICOLON. This is called a syntar-rule. One or more syntax-rules together make up the set of rules for generating the lihear sequence of characters. The set of mies is cailed a syntar.