ISO 14847 pdf download.Rotary positive displacement pumps — Technical requirements
1 Scope
This standard specifies the technical requirements, other than safety and testing, for rotary positive displacement pumps and rotary positive displacement pump units. This standard does not apply to rotary positive displacement pumps for fluid power applications.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard the definitions given in prEN 12723 apply together with the following: 3.1 rotary positive displacement pump: A machine in which liquid is trapped in confined volumes and transported from an inlet port to an outlet port by a rotational movement of the pumping element or elements. NOTE: According to EN 809, pumps are defined as being terminated by their inlet and outlet branches as well as, in general, by their shaft ends without couplings. 3.2 rotary positive displacement pump unit: An assembly of a rotary positive displacement pump and its driver, with necessary transmission and structural supporting elements terminating at the connections for the inlet and outlet branches and at the energy supply to the driver.
4 Information and requirements to be confirmed, agreed and documented
4.1 Purchaser information The purchaser shall provide the supplier with the information necessary for the proper selection of a pump or pump unit. To facilitate this the data sheet included as annex A can be used. The selection shall consider all received and relevant information on performance requirements, environment and intended operating conditions. Any missing information necessary for pump selection shall be requested by the supplier. The purchaser’s information shall include specification of options and items for special agreement according to this Standard and, where applicable, requests for deviations from this Standard. Clauses of this Standard referring to options and special agreements are listed in 4.2 and 4.3. 4.2 Optional requirements If the purchaser wishes to include any of the optional requirements given in this standard such requirements shall be specified and documented at the time of enquiry and confirmed at the time of order.
6.2 Basic design criteria Pumps shall be designed to operate continuously as well as intermittently with any combination of parameters supplied by the purchaser in accordance with clause 4. Consideration shall be given during design to the handling of components and assemblies when erecting, assembling and maintaining the pump/pump unit. Facilities shall be provided, where necessary, for jacking bolts, extraction screws, locating dowels and spigots and lifting eyes. Designs shall comply with the safety requirements of EN 809. 6.3 Design of structural and pressure containing parts The design of the pump and pump unit components shall be suitable for the operating conditions and for the environment specified. 6.4 Sealing systems All shafts extending outside of enclosed machinery shall be fitted with a suitable seal. The seal shall be selected and installed according to the seal manufacturer’s recommendations for the operating conditions. 6.5 Bearing lubrication 6.5.1 If grease lubricated bearings need re-lubrication during their service life of the pump, suitable means for re-lubrication shall be provided. 6.5.2 Oil lubricated bearings which are not lubricated by the process liquid shall be fitted with an oil reservoir with a visual oil level indicator. Adding or draining oil shall be accomplished without disassembly other than plugs or breathers. NOTE: Constant level oilers may be used providing the working oil level is clearly marked on the bearing housing.