ISO 14535 pdf download.Photography一Room-light loading packages for electronic scanners and image-setting film and paper rolls一Dimensions and related requirements
1 Scope
This International Standard applies to room-light loading packages either containing photographic film or paper rolls for electronic scanners or image- setting devices. It specifies the dimensions of the package and its contents, critical equipment interfacing features, and package marking. The prime aim of this International Standard is to ensure compatibility between room-light loading packages and the equipment in which it is used. Two types of package are recognized. One type uses a rigid flange into which mandrils on the exposing device are inserted. The other type uses a flexible flange and relies on the exposing equipment design to hold the roll correctly in the machine.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 554:1976, Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing一Specifications. ISO 3772:2000, Photography 一Rolls of sensitized material for the pre-press industry 一Dimensions and related requirements.
3 Conditions for measurement of dimensions
The dimensions and tolerances specified in this International Standard apply at the time of manufacture, measured under atmospheric conditions of (23+2) °C and (50+5) % relative humidity as specified in ISO 554. All measuring instrument calibrations should be conducted at a temperature of 20 °C, as specified in ISO 1, and a relative humidity of 50 %.
6 Dimensions of flanges
6.1 Rigid flange The aim and tolerance dimensions of the internal diameter of the flange (A), into which the machine cassette mandrel inserts, currently varies in different countries. The aim and tolerance of 65,5_ 20.5 mm is preferred due to its tighter tolerance. However, 65,5 mm+0,5 mm is recognized because it is the standard in certain countries and functions well in those locations (see Figure 1). Dimension A applies to the mouth of the flange hole, which may have a slight taper towards the bottom of the hole in order to easily draw a (positive) mould from the plastic flange. The thickness of the flange rim (B) shall be 3 mm+0,3 mm, which contributes to the practical width of the roll. The external diameter of the rim (C), which contributes to the maximum external dimension of the spooled roll, shall be 130,5-4.0 mm such that the dimensions given in clause 7 are not exceeded (see Figure 1). Dimension D shall be 37 mm+0,4 mm. Dimension E shall be not less than 28,6 mm. Dimension F shall be 52 mm+2 mm. Rigid flanges should insert fully and securely into the film-roll core such that the flange is flush with the spooled material. Dimension G shall ensure compatibility with the cores specified in ISO 3772. Incorporation of six fins in the flange design is preferred to aid the machine wind and unwind functions.
6.2 Flexible flange Flanges are required for each of the preferred core sizes specified in ISo 3772. The flanges shall be firmly attached to each end of a core which supports the roll of material and shall provide light- tight protection to the roll edges. The flanges shall not impede the winding or the unwinding of the material on the roll. The internal diameter of the combination of the core plus any portion of the flexible flange shall comply with the minimum dimensions specified in ISO 3772:2000, 5.3. See Figure 2 for an example of a flexible flange configuration.