ISO 13997 pdf download.Protective clothing — Mechanical properties — Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a cut test method, and related calculations, for use on materials and as- semblies designed for protective clothing. The test determines resistance to cutting by sharp edges, such as knives, sheet metal parts, swarf, glass, bladed tools and castings. This test does not provide data on the resistance to penetration by pointed objects such as needles and thorns. The test described in this International Standard is not considered suitable for testing materials made from chain mail and metal plates. The text of this International Standard does not include provisions for the safeguard of the operator.
2 Normative reference
The following normative document contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, this publication do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the normative document indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 1 39:1 973, Textiles — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 cut-through event which has occurred when the blade edge first contacts the conducting material below the test specimen 3.2 cutting force calculated force that would be required to be applied to a blade of standard sharpness to just cut through a material in a blade stroke of length 20 mm 3.3 cutting stroke length distance the cutting edge travels before cut-through occurs
4 Requirements
This International Standard describes a method of test for materials and products. When it is cited as a test method in a materials or product standard, that standard shall contain the necessary information to permit the application of ISO 1 3997 to the particular product. The standard citing ISO 1 3997 shall include at least the following: a) a normative reference to ISO 1 3997;b) a description of the samples to be tested, their method of preparation, and pretreatment, if any, and the permitted size and orientation range of the specimens prepared for the samples; c) details of the clamping and stretching method to be used with the specimens; d) the number of tests to be performed; e) details of any deviation from the method described in ISO 1 3997; f) details of the format and content of the test report to be provided; g) the performance requirements for the product and associated “level”. The performance required shall be given as the minimum cutting force. Information and guidance on using ISO 1 3997 in a product standard are given in annex A.
5 Sampling
5.1 Specimens shall be taken from regions of the sample product representative of the range of construction present in protective areas. Specimens shall be taken from positions representative of the variations in the quality of the material present. 5.2 Specimens from woven, knitted and other orientated materials shall be prepared so that test cuts are made at an angle of (45 ± 1 0)° to the machine direction of the material. Unoriented materials, or those in which the machine direction is uncertain, shall be tested in two directions at 45° to each other. Specimens from particular materials or products may be tested at other orientations specified by a standard citing ISO 1 3997. 5.3 Unless otherwise specified, specimen dimensions shall not be less than 25 mm ¥ 1 00 mm, with the intended cut orientation at 90° to the long axis. The smallest specimen on which single cuts are made shall not be less than 25 mm ¥ 25 mm. 5.4 Specimens shall be conditioned in accordance with ISO 1 39. Testing shall be carried out in the conditioning environment or within 5 min of withdrawing the specimens from the conditioning environment.