ISO 13340 pdf download.Transportable gas cylinders — Cylinder valves for non-refillable cylinders — Specification and prototype testing
1 Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for gas cylinder valves to be used with non refillable cylinders and the method of testing such valves for prototype approval. NOTE : Non refillable gas cylinders are specified in prEN 1 2205:1 998 and ISO/FDIS 1 1 1 1 8:1 999. This Standard is not applicable to valves for breathing equipment, fire extinguishers and cryogenic equipment.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). EN 720-2 Transportable gas cylinders – Gases andgas mixtures – Part 2 : Determination offlammabilityandoxidizing abilityofgases andgas mixtures EN 849 Transportable gas cylinders – Cylindervalves – Specification andtype testing EN ISO 1 1 1 1 4-1 Transportable gas cylinders – Compatibilityofcylinderandvalve materials with gas contents – Part 1 : Metallic materials (ISO 11114-1:1997) EN ISO 1 1 1 1 4-2 Transportable gas cylinders – Compatibilityofcylinderandvalve materials with gas contents – Part2 : Non-metallic materials (ISO 11114-2:2000) ISO 1 88 Rubber, vulcanizedorthermoplastic – Acceleratedageing andheat-resistance tests ISO 1 81 7 Rubber, vulcanized- Determination ofthe effectofliquids ISO 51 45:1 990 Cylindervalve outlets forgases andgas mixtures – Selection anddimensioning
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply : 3.1 working pressure (p w ) settled pressure, at a uniform temperature of 1 5 °C, for a full gas cylinder 3.2 valve test pressure (p vt ) for compressed gases:For liquefied gases and dissolved gases under pressure (for example, acetylene), p vt is at least equal to the minimum test pressure of the cylinder quoted in the relevant transportation regulation for that gas or gas group, taking account of the actual filling ratio to be used. NOTE : Transportation regulations sometimes offer a choice of filling ratio together with appropriate minimum test pressures. Generally, p vt will be the highest of these minimum test pressures for the gas, but in circumstances where a lower filling ratio is to be used, p vt may be an appropriate lower test pressure. 3.3 single use operating mechanism a mechanism which when opened once will not reseal
4 Valve requirements
4.1 General Valves shall operate satisfactorily over the full range of service temperatures, normally from – 20 °C to 65 °C. The range may be extended for short periods (e.g. during filling). Where higher or lower service temperatures are required for longer periods, the purchaser shall specify accordingly. Valves shall be capable of withstanding the mechanical stresses and chemicals they may experience during normal operation. The valves shall be cleaned to meet the requirements of the intended service.4.3 Materials Metallic and non-metallic materials in contact with the gas shall be chemically and/or physically compatible with the gas under all intended operating conditions (as specified in EN ISO 1 1 1 1 4-1 and EN ISO 1 1 1 1 4-2). Where valves may come into contact with oxygen or other oxidizing gases then compatibility of materials with these gases and ignition resistance of materials and lubricants, shall be established by an appropriate test procedure (see for example EN ISO 1 1 1 1 4-3). Valves for acetylene may be manufactured from copper based alloys if the copper content does not exceed 70 % (by weight). The manufacturer shall not use any procedure resulting in copper enrichment of the surface. The silver content of alloys shall be limited for acetylene valves. The acceptable limit varies between 43 % (by weight) and 50 % (by weight), depending on the composition of the alloy. Non-metallic sealing materials for use with air, oxygen and oxygen enriched gases, shall be capable of withstanding an ageing sensitivity test in accordance with ISO 1 88. Non-metallic sealing materials in valves for use with corrosive gases shall be tested in accordance with ISO 1 81 7. 4.4 Design and construction 4.4.1 Valve body The valve body shall be manufactured by a process that will ensure the reproducibility of the mechanical characteristics necessary to meet the requirements. The anisotropy of the material shall be considered.