ISO 12650 pdf download.Document imaging applications — Microfilming of achromatic maps on 35 mm microfilm
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies special requirements for recording achromatic maps on 35 mm microfilm in the form of rolls or aperture cards.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 446:1 991 , Micrographics — ISO character and ISO test chart No. 1 — Description and use. ISO 3272-1 :1 983, Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 1 : Operating procedures. ISO 3272-2:1 994, Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 2: Quality criteria and control of 35 mm silver gelatin microfilms. ISO 3272-3:— 1 ) , Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 3: Unitized aperture card for 35 mm microfilm. ISO 3272-4:1 994, Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 4: Microfilming of drawings of special and exceptional elongated sizes. ISO 3334:1 989, Micrographics — ISO resolution test chart No. 2 — Description and use. ISO 61 96-1 :1 993, Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 1 : General terms. ISO 61 96-2:1 993, Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 2: Image positions and methods of recording. ISO 61 96-3:1 997, Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 3: Film processing. ISO 61 96-4:1 987, Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 4: Materials and packaging. ISO 61 96-5:1 987, Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 5: Quality of images, legibility, inspection. ISO 61 96-6:1 992, Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 6: Equipment.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions given in ISO 61 96 and the following apply. 3.1 achromatic map map having a white or near-white base on which information is printed using a spectrally neutral medium
4 General requirements
4.1 Roll microfilm Maps shall be recorded on 35 mm roll microfilm in accordance with ISO 3272-2 requirements for matters not specified in this standard. 4.2 Quality The quality of silver-gelatin type films shall comply with ISO 3272-2 requirements for matters not specified in this standard. 4.3 Aperture cards Aperture cards shall comply with ISO 3272-3.
5 Reduction
5.1 Reduction ratios The nominal reduction ratio shall be 1 :24 ; 1 :21 ,2 ; 1 :1 5 ; 1 :1 0 ; or 1 :7,5. The reduction ratio selected shall normally be the lowest that will wholly accommodate the map in a frame of 35 mm microfilm. To ensure legibility, the optical class of characters and quality index described in ISO 61 99 should be taken into account when selecting reduction ratios. 5.2 Resolution To ensure that all information can be recorded when tested in accordance with ISO 3272-2, the quality of all processed microfilm shall be such that the ISO character sizes or the pattern numbers shown in Table 1 for the appropriate generation and reduction ratios shall be resolved.
6 Test target
At the start of the roll, the test target (see Figure 1 ) shall be microfilmed once at the lowest reduction ratio used for example, at 1 :1 5 or 1 :1 6 for 35 mm film. At the end of the roll, the test target shall be microfilmed once for each reduction ratio used or each time the reduction ratio is changed. The test target shall comprise the following features, arranged as shown in Figure 1 : – ISO test charts of the same type; – centre markings and sheet size markings for 3 reduction scales; – a reflectance target ; that is, a grey, spectrally neutral, matt-finished patch at least 1 50 mm × 1 50 mm with a reflectance within the range 50 % ± 3 % and a dark, spectrally neutral, matt-finished patch with a reflectance within the range 6 % ± 0,4 %; – a reduction-ratio test strip that contrasts sufficiently with the background so that the length of the image recorded on the microfilm can be measured easily and that is 1 0 times as long, in millimetres, as the reduction used; – an identification card placed on a clear space on the test target and microfilmed at the start of the roll; – a test target for each reduction ratio or for several reduction ratios combined; – a symmetrical, orthogonal grid of crosses marking subdivision of the area into squares of 1 00 mm in a side. The centres of the crosses shall represent the reference point locations. The position of a reference point with respect to the neighbouring reference points shall not differ from the nominal value by more than ± 0,1 %. Furthermore, the entire grid shall not differ by more than 0,5 % in any direction from the nominal size. The test target shall be exposed so that the density of the grey patch (50 % reflectance) is between 1 ,0 and 1 ,2. Each of the five resolution test charts on each frame shall be examined under a microscope. When ISO test chart 1 is used (see ISO 446), the magnification of the microscope shall be between 50:1 and 60:1 . When ISO test chart 2 is used (see ISO 3334), the magnification shall be bet