ISO 14024 pdf download.Environmental labels and declarations — Type I environmental labelling — Principles and procedures 1 Scope This International Standard establishes the principles and procedures for developing Type I environmental labelling programmes, including the selection of product categories, product environmental criteria and product function characteristics; and for assessing and demonstrating compliance. This International Standard also establishes the certification procedures for awarding the label. 2 Normative reference The following normative document contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the normative document indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 1 4020:1 998, Environmental labels and declarations — General principles. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 Type I environmental labelling programme voluntary, multiple-criteria-based third party programme that awards a licence which authorizes the use of environmental labels on products indicating overall environmental preferability of a product within a particular product category based on life cycle considerations 3.2 product any goods or service 3.3 product category group of products which have equivalent function 3.4 product environmental criteria environmental requirements that the product shall meet in order to be awarded an environmental label 3.5 product function characteristic attribute or characteristic in the performance and use of a product 3.6 ecolabelling body third party body, and its agents, which conducts a Type I environmental labelling programme 3.7 third party person or body that is recognized as being independent of the parties involved, as concerns the issue in question [ISO/IEC Guide 2:1 996] NOTE “Parties involved” are usually supplier (“first party”) and purchaser (“second party”) interests. 3.8 interested party any party affected by a Type I environmental labelling programme 3.9 licensee party authorized by an ecolabelling body to use a Type I environmental label 3.10 environmental aspect element of an organization’s activities, products or services which can interact with the environment NOTE A significant environmental aspect is an environmental aspect which has, or can have, a significant environmental impact. [ISO 1 4001 :1 996] 3.11 environmental impact any...

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