ISO 11267 pdf download.Soil quality — Inhibition of reproduction of Collembola (Folsomia candida) by soil contaminants 1 Scope This International Standard specifies one of the methods for evaluating the habitat function of soils and determining effects of soil contaminants and substances on the reproduction of Folsomia candida Willem by dermal and alimentary uptake. This chronic test is applicable to soils and soil materials of unknown quality, e.g. from contaminated sites, amended soils, soils after remediation, industrial, agricultural or other sites of concern and waste materials. Effects of substances are assessed using a standard soil, preferably a defined artificial soil substrate. For contaminated soils, the effects are determined in the soil to be tested and in a control soil. According to the objective of the study, the control and dilution substrate (dilution series of contaminated soil) are either an uncontaminated soil comparable to the soil to be tested (reference soil) or a standard soil (e.g. artificial soil). This International Standard provides information on how to use this method for testing substances under temperate conditions. The method is not applicable to volatile substances, i.e. substances for which H (Henry’s constant) or the air/water partition coefficient is greater than 1, or for which the vapour pressure exceeds 0,013 3 Pa at 25 °C. NOTE The stability of the test substance cannot be ensured over the test period. No provision is made in the test method for monitoring the persistence of the substance under test. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 10381-6, Soil quality — Sampling — Part 6: Guidance on the collection, handling and storage of soil under aerobic conditions for the assessment of microbiological processes, biomass and diversity in the laboratory ISO 10694, Soil quality — Determination of organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary analysis) ISO 10390, Soil quality — Determination of pH ISO 11260, Soil quality — Determination of effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation level using barium chloride solution ISO 11277, Soil quality — Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material — Method by sieving and sedimentation ISO 11465, Soil quality — Determination of dry matter and water content on a mass basis — Gravimetric...

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