ISO 15374 pdf download.Implants for surgery — Requirements for production of forgings 1 Scope This International Standard specifies requirements for the production of forgings of stainless steel, unalloyed titanium, titanium alloy or cobalt-based alloys intended to be used as semifinished products in the manufacturing of surgical implants. NOTE An International Standard giving requirements for forgings is under preparation. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 5832-1 :1 997, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 1 : Wrought stainless steel. ISO 5832-2:1 996, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 2: Unalloyed titanium . ISO 5832-3:1 996, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 3: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloy. ISO 5832-5:1 993, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 5: Wrought cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel alloy. ISO 5832-6:1 997, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 6: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium- molybdenum alloy. ISO 5832-7:1 994, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 7: Forgeable and cold-formed cobalt-chromium- nickel-molybdenum iron alloy . ISO 5832-8:1 997, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 8: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium- molybdenum-tungsten-iron alloy. ISO 5832-9:1 992, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 9: Wrought high nitrogen stainless steel . ISO 5832-1 0:1 993, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 1 0: Wrought titanium 5-aluminum 2,5-iron alloy.ISO 5832-1 1 :1 994, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 1 1 : Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 7-niobium alloy. ISO 5832-1 2:1 996, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 1 2: Wrought cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy. ISO 6892:1 984, Metallic materials — Tensile testing . EN 1 0204:1 991 , Metallic products — Types of inspection documents . ETTC 2:1 995 1 ) , Microstructural standards for alpha + beta titanium alloy bars. NOTE The above reference will be replaced by references to appropriate International Standards when the latter become available. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 closed-die forging metallic article formed by pressing or hammering...

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