ISO 14864 pdf download.Rice — Evaluation of gelatinization time of kernels during cooking 1 Scope This International Standard specifies a method of evaluating the gelatinization time of rice kernels during cooking. It is applicable to milled rice as defined in ISO 7301 . 2 Normative references This following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subseqent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of IEC and ISO editions maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 71 2, Cereals and cereal products — Determination of moisture content — Routine reference method . ISO 7301 , Rice — Specification. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions given in ISO 7301 and the following apply. 3.1 gelatinization hydration process conferring the jelly-like state typical of the coagulated colloids, which are named “gels”, on kernels 3.2 gel state condition reached as a consequence of gelatinization (3.1 ), when the kernel is fully transparent and absolutely free from whitish and opaque granules after being pressed between two glass sheets See Figures 1 to 3. 3.3 gelatinization time time necessary for 90 % of the kernels to pass from their natural state to the gel state (3.2) 4 Principle The time span is determined between the immersion of the kernels into boiling water and those kernels becoming fully gelatinized, evaluated by visual observation. 5 Apparatus Usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following. 5.1 Electric plate, able to maintain a constant temperature of 350 °C ± 1 0 °C. 5.2 Beakers, of borosilicate glass, of capacity 400 ml and diameter 8 cm. 5.3 Perforated spoon, of stainless steel, with a thermo-insulated handle. 5.4 Glass rod, about 25 cm long and 5 mm in diameter. 5.5 Round or square glass slides, about 70 mm in diameter or side length, and 5 mm thickness. 5.6 Balance, capable of weighing to the nearest 0,01 g. 5.7 Stop clock. 5.8 Worksurface, contrasting in colour to rice kernels. 5.9 Sample divider, conical or multiple-slot sampler with a distribution system. 5.10 Glass balls, of diameter...

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