ISO 10624 pdf download.Oil of elemi ( Canarium luzonicum Miq.) 1 Scope This International Standard specifies certain charac- teristics of the oil of elemi ( Canarium luzonicum Miq.), in order to facilitate assessment of its quality. It is not applicable to rectified oils. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO/TR 21 0:— 1 ) , Essential oils — General rules for packaging, conditioning and storage. ISO/TR 21 1 :— 2) , Essential oils — Labelling and marking containers. ISO 21 2:1 973, Essential oils — Sampling. ISO 279:1 981 , Essential oils — Determination of relative density at 20 °C (Reference method). ISO 280:1 976, Essential oils — Determination of refractive index. ISO 592:1 981 , Essential oils — Determination of optical rotation. 1 ) To be published. (Revision of ISO 210:1961) 2) To be published. (Revision of ISO 211 :1961) 3) To be published. ISO 1 1 024-1 :— 3) , Essential oils — General guidance on chromatographic profiles — Part 1 : Preparation of chromatographic profiles for presentation in standards. ISO 1 1 024-2:— 3) , Essential oils — General guidance on chromatographic profiles — Part 2: Utilization of chromatographic profiles of samples of essential oils. 3 Definition For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definition applies. 3.1 oil of elemi: Essential oil obtained by distil- lation under reduced pressure or by steam distillation of the gum oleoresin of Canarium luzonicum Miq. of the Burseraceae family. 4 Requirements 4.1 Appearance Liquid. 4.2 Colour Colourless to pale yellow. 4.3 Odour Characteristic, spicy balsamic with a citrus peel top note. 4.6 Optical rotation at 20 °C Range from +44° to +85°. 4.7 Chromatographic profile Analysis of the essential oil shall be carried out by gas chromatography. In the chromatogram obtained, the representative and characteristic components shown in table 1 shall be identified. The proportions of these components, indicated by the integrator, shall be as shown in table 1 . This constitutes the chromatographic profile of the essential oil. 4.8 Flashpoint...

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