ISO 1172 pdf download.Textile-glass-reinforced plastics – Prepregs, moulding compounds and laminates – Determination of the textile-glass and mineral- filler content – Calcination methods
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies two calcination methods for the determination of the textile-glass and mineral- filler content of glass-reinforced plastics: Method A: for the determination of the textile-glass content when no mineral fillers are present. Method B: for the determination of the textile-glass and mineral-filler content when both components are present. This International Standard is applicable to the following types of material: – prepregs made from yarns, rovings, tapes or fabrics; – SMC, BMC and DMC moulding compounds; – textile-glass-reinforced thermoplastic moulding materials and granules; – filled or unfilled textile-glass laminates made with thermosetting or thermoplastic resins The methods are not applicable to the following types of reinforced plastic: – those containing reinforcements other than textile glass; – those containing materials which do not completely burn off at the test temperature (for example, those based on silicone resin); – those containing mineral fillers which degrade at temperatures below the minimum calcination temperature. For these materials, IS0 1 1667, Fibre-reinforced plastics – Moulding compounds and prepregs – Determination of resin, reinforcement-fibre and mineral-filler content – Dissolution method, may be used.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 472: 1988, Plastics – Vocabulary. IS0 4793:1980, Laboratory sintered (frittedl filters – Porosity grading, classification and designation. IS0 8604: 1988. Plastics – Prepregs – Definitions of terms and symbols for designations.
4 Principle
A test specimen is weighed and subsequently calcinated at a defined temperature. The specimen is then reweighed and the non-combustible matter content {glass + filler) obtained by determining the difference in mass of a test specimen before and after calcination in one of the following ways: a) In the case of materials containing no fillers the glass content is calculated directly from the difference in mass (method A); b) In the case of materials containing both glass and filler, the glass and filler remaining after calcination are separated by dissolution of the filler in hydrochloric acid. The difference between the mass of the specimen before calcination and the mass of the dried specimen after reaction with acid is used to measure the glass content. The filler content is obtained by calculating the difference between the mass of the specimen after calcination and the mass of the dried specimen after reaction with acid (method B). The test method requires that all weighings be made at constant mass after repeated calcination and/or drying. In those cases where known materials are being tested regularly, a minimum time for the calcination and drying stages may be determined by experiment to ensure that constant mass has been reached. NOTES 1 If the material tested contains a resin which is combustible under the test conditions and/or fillers which do not degrade by calcination, then the loss on ignition is equal to the resin content. It should be noted that the resin content calculated in this way includes the combustible part of the other components in the composition (glass size, pigments, etc.) but this is usually small compared to the resin content. 2 In those cases where fillers are present that are degraded at the test temperature, it is not possible to obtain an accurate determination of the glass, resin or filler content.