ISO 15395 pdf download.Space data and information transfer systevs – Standard formatted data units – Control Authority data structures
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies’the requirements for Control Authority data structures for standard formatted data units for space data and information transfer systems.
2 Requirements
Requirements are the technical recommendations made in the following publication (reproduced on the following pages), which is adopted as an International Standard:CCSDS 632.0-B-1 , November 1 994, Recommendation for space data system standards – Standard formatted data units – Control Authority data structures.
For the purposes of international standardization, the modifications outlined below shall apply to the following pages of publication CCSDS 632.0-B-l.
Pages i to v This part contains information which is relevant to the CCSDS publication only.
Page 2 Add the following information to the references indicated:
[2] Document CCSDS 630.0-B-l) June 1 993, is equivalent to IS0 1 3764:1 996.
[4] Document CCSDS 620.0-B-2, May 1 992, is equivalent to IS0 1 21 751 994.
[5] Document CCSDS 641 .0-B-1 , May 1 992, is equivalent to IS0 1 4961 :1 997.
3 Revision of publication CCSDS 632.0-B-1
It has been agreed with the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems that Subcommittee lSO/TC 2O/SC 1 3 will be consulted in the event of any revision or amendment of publication CCSDS 632.0-B-1 . To this end, NASA will act as a liaison body between CCSDS and ISO.The Control Authority Procedures Recommendation (reference [2]) specifies the content of three data packages. The packages are used to exchange information between a MACAO and a MACAO services user. Two packages are produced by the users; a Registration Package (RP) is used to register a data description, and a Revision Registration Package (RRP) is used to revise a data description at a MACAO. The third package is produced by the MACAO to provide a data description to the user at user request. This package is referred to as a Data Description Package (DDP).
An individual or organization, called the Originator, prepares the RP containing a data description and submits it to the MACAO for registration. The MACAO responds by checking the RP content, assigning an Authority and Description Identifier @DID), and thereby registering it. The MACAO then returns the data description to the Originator of the RP in the form of a DDP. A DDP requester; perhaps another MACAO, requests a data description from a MACAO by submitting the ADID, and optionally the revision number. The MACAO provides the DDP to the requester. An individual or organization, called the Originator, and previously identified as a Permitted Reviser of a particular data description, prepares an RRP that includes the ADID of the data description to be revised and submits it to the MACAO. The MACAO checks the RRP content, registers the revision, and then returns the data description in the form of a DDP.
Each of the three packages (i.e., RP, RRP, and DDP) shall conform to the specification of a Description Data Unit (DDU) having an ADID = CCSD0005 as specified in the Standard Formatted Data Units-Structure and Construction Rules Recommendation (reference [4]). The DDU must always be contained within an Exchange Data Unit (EDU), as specified in reference [4], when exchanged between users and MACAOs.