ISO 9946 pdf download.Manipulating industrial robots — Presentation of characteristics
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies how characteristics of robots shall be presented by the manufacturer.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most  recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 8373:1 994, Manipulating industrial robots — Vocabulary .
ISO 9283:1 998, Manipulating industrial robots — Performance criteria and related test methods.
ISO 9409-1 :1 996, Manipulating industrial robots — Mechanical interfaces — Part 1 : Plates (form A).
ISO 9787:— 1 ) , Manipulating industrial robots — Coordinate systems and motion nomenclatures .
ISO 1 021 8:1 992, Manipulating industrial robots — Safety.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in ISO 8373 and the following definition apply.
3.1 centre of the working space ( C w )
is the position of the wrist reference point when each active joint in the arm is in the middle position of its moving range
4 Units
Unless otherwise stated, all dimensions are as follows:
– length in millimetres (mm);
– angle in radians (rad) or degrees (°);
– time in seconds (s);
– mass in kilograms (kg);
– force in newtons (N);
– velocity in metres per second (m/s), radians per second (rad/s) or degrees per second (°/s).
5 Characteristics
5.1 General
The manufacturer shall provide information related to the various characteristics and requirements as described in this clause as part of the robot documentation.
5.2 Application
The manufacturer shall specify the main type(s) of application(s) for which the robot is intended.
Examples of typical applications are
– handling;
– assembly;
– spot welding;
– arc welding;
– machining;
– spray painting;
– adhesive/sealing;
– inspection.
5.3 Power source
The manufacturer shall specify all external power sources, including type (e.g. electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic or combination) required for proper operation of the robot (e.g. mechanical structure motion actuators, control, auxiliary equipment [e.g. gripper]), together with the maximum power consumption required from each. These specifications shall also include permissible ranges and fluctuations. The manufacturer shall also specify the type of power utilized to control axis and auxiliary motion (e.g. electric, hydraulic, pneumatic). Where more than one type of power is utilized, the manufacturer shall include a breakdown by individual motion.
5.4 Mechanical structure
The manufacturer shall specify the type of the mechanical structure and the number of mechanical axes. An outline drawing of the structure shall be provided detailing the axis motions. This drawing may be part of the drawing required for describing the working space (see 5.5).
5.5 Working space
The boundaries of the working space of the wrist reference point including the alignment pose and centre of the working space ( C w ) shall be illustrated in a drawing with at least two views (one the projection of the locus of the maximum reach of the robot arm in the base coordinate X 1 – Y 1 plane (see ISO 9787) and the other the projection of the locus of the maximum reach of the arm on the base coordinate X 1 – Z 1 plane). The drawing shall also provide information on any limitation of secondary axis motion at any point(s) in the working space of the wrist reference point (see figure 1 for an example of a 5-axis robot and figure 2 for an example of a 6-axis robot). In the drawings, it is recommended that the details of the working space and range of movement of secondary axes are given in tabular form as shown in the examples of figures 1 and 2.