ISO 11612 pdf download.Clothing for protection against heat and flame — Test methods and performance requirements for heat-protective clothing
1 Scope
This International Standard is applicable to protective clothing for workers exposed to heat. The clothing consists of outer garments made from flexible material to protect specific parts of the body. Hoods and gaiters are included but all other types of protection for the head, hands and feet are excluded. This International Standard specifies the performance requirements and test methods for protective clothing materials and gives design recommendations for the clothing where necessary. Protective clothing complying with this International Standard is intended to protect workers against brief contact with flame and against at least one type of heat. The heat may be in the form of convective heat, radiant heat, large molten metal splashes, or a combination of these heat hazards. Protective clothing complying with this International Standard may not be entirely suitable for certain types of activity carried out by firefighters and welders.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the pos- sibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 31 75:1 995, Textiles — Determination of stability to machine dry-cleaning . ISO 6330:1 984, Textiles — Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing . ISO 6942:1 993, Clothing for protection against heat and fire — Evaluation of thermal behaviour of materials and material assemblies when exposed to a source of radiant heat . ISO 91 51 :1 995, Protective clothing against heat and flame — Determination of heat transmission on exposure to flame .
3 Sampling
Samples for testing shall be representative of the material and/or materials as used in the complete garments.Samples may also be cut from garments. They may include features of construction such as seams, joints or fasteners, if covered by specific requirements.
4 Testing
All tests shall be carried out on material as received, unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1 ).
5 General requirements
5.1 Sizes The size of protective clothing shall be designated in accordance with ISO 1 3688. 5.2 Dimensional change When tested in accordance with ISO 1 3688, the changes in dimensions of the material shall not exceed ± 3% in either length or width direction after a pretreatment with five cycles according to the manufacturers’ instructions. If washing as well as dry cleaning is permitted, then only five washing cycles should be carried out.
6 Performance requirements
6.1 General Protective clothing which is claimed to comply with this International Standard shall meet the limited flame spread requirement (Code letter A) and at least one other heat transmission performance requirement (Code letters B to E) at level 1 or above. 6.2 Limited flame spread (Code letter A) 6.2.1 Pretreatment Before testing for limited flame spread, the test materials shall be washed five times in a front-loading washing machine using 1 g/l IEC detergent in soft water and finally dried once in accordance with the procedures of ISO 6330. Washing shall be carried out by procedure 2A (at 60 O C) and drying by procedure E (tumble drying) unless otherwise specified in the care labelling. Materials which are labelled as dry cleanable only shall be dry cleaned five times in accordance with ISO 31 75. If the material or garment has no care label, separate samples shall be tested after five cycles of washing and five cycles of dry cleaning.