ISO 2538 pdf download.Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Series of angles and slopes on prisms
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies two series of prism angles from 1 20° to 0° 30′ and a series of prism slopes from 1 :1 0 to 1 :500, for general mechanical engineering purposes.
2 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 2.1 prism part of a piece which is limited by two intersecting planes See figure 1 . NOTE — Both planes are termed “prism planes”. When these are intended for fits, they are termed “mating planes for the prism”. 2.2 multiple prism part of a piece which is limited by several pairs of intersecting planes See figure 2. NOTES 1 A double prism is limited by two pairs of intersecting planes. 2 When the intersection of each pair of planes is a point, the multiple prism is a pyramid (see figure 3). 2.3 wedge prism with a small angle 2.4 slide prism vee-block dovetail typical prism with a large angle NOTE — These special prisms are used, for example, as a slideway on machine tools (see figures 4 and 5).2.5 prism angle b angle at which both prism planes intersect each other See figure 1 . NOTE — The angle between the mating surfaces for prism is called “mating angle for prism”. 2.6 prism slope S ratio of the difference between the heights H and h in two determined cross-sections to the distance L between both cross-sections 2.8 prism edge theoretical intersection line of both prism planes 2.9 centre plane of prism E M plane passing through the prism edge which bisects the prism angle b 2.10 height of prism height measured at a given cross-section which is parallel to the edge and perpendicular to one prism plane See figure 6. 2.11 thickness of prism thickness measured at a given cross-section which is parallel to the edge and perpendicular to the prism centre plane See figure 7.